Mother Nature has been very nice to the Jersey Shore area so far this summer. The gardens are producing an amazing bounty of squash, tomatoes, green beans and peppers.
Walking through the neatly designed rows of vegetables and flowers this morning, breathing in deeply, my chlorophyll addled senses gave me a feeling of robust, good-health from a well tended garden which might explain why some people are drawn to this summer activity in spite of the hard work it entails. If specific aroma’s trigger memories, maybe for some the garden is a true Eden.
The bounty from the garden is the biggest motivator. Knowing where your produce comes from and what, if any pesticide has been used is always a factor. Pulling beetles and other bugs from the leaves is just another fact of gardening. The bonanza of zucchini season is upon us, along with the challenge of how to use them.
Breakfast doesn’t get any fresher than this. One chopped Black Krim tomato (tangier than a basic Jersey tomato), and one small chopped zucchini, into the pan of olive oil with a finely minced clove of garlic.
Saute the veg for a minute or two and spoon into a bowl. Set aside, scramble up a few eggs and add to the same pan, give them a minute to set then add the veg back in. Shred a little parmigiana cheese into the omelet and fold over. Simple, and very fresh.
Call it gilding the lily if you will, but dinner was a departure from light and healthy. We stuffed the squash blossoms with mozzarella and anchovies. Creamy, salty, and what we were really looking for, crunchy.
All of the blossoms went into the very hot oil bath, just for a few minutes till crispy, and voila, fancy gourmet stuffed veggies. This is a big flavor dish, however, my favorite was yet to come.