Saturday night in our neck-of-the-woods is date night. Suburban, hip-town America where the bars, bistros, trattorias and restaurants are packed with happy, hungry revelers.
Scenery around Seattle and it’s surrounding area is stunning. When you come from a flat-lander area, it can actually be awesome. Take those remarkably tall evergreens, add a thundering waterfall to the scene, throw in an impressive lodge and shake till you just don’t know where to look first.
It is a scene that screams, this is what Washington is all about. Big, strong, and broad shouldered, this state is not for wimps. But, this is a blog about food, so why am I writing about panoramic views?
Taste and Technique, a cooking studio in Fair Haven, NJ, often schedules local celebrity chef’s for demonstrations. These classes are always delicious, informative and entertaining. The cooking school also offers hands-on learning opportunities with professional chef’s. Rachel Weston taught a class recently, her first time at this studio, but not her first time teaching, that was instructive, insightful, and of course, delicious. Although I have some experience in the food world, I walked away with a few new tricks.
Condiments, relishes and sauces can make or break a well prepared dish. A tasty addition to anything from simple scrambled eggs to a perfectly broiled steak can take a meal from ho-hum to sublime.
Mother Nature has been very nice to the Jersey Shore area so far this summer. The gardens are producing an amazing bounty of squash, tomatoes, green beans and peppers.