Category Archives: Mexican Food


I’m writing this with the tune of David Bowie’s “ch-ch-ch-ch changes. Turn and face the strange,” running through my brain. This past year has been nothing but changes. Changes in what we’re cooking in the kitchen, changes in what kitchen we’re cooking in, changes in where we are working, and changes made to our lifestyle in general. If you’d told me a year ago — yesterday — that this is where we’d be now, I would have laughed my head off. If you’d told me that we would be happier, and better off for turning our lives upside down, I would not have believed you.

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Hand in hand, the paint palette an artist holds to create a masterpiece walks the same path as a chef who chooses to cook with the beautiful colors provided naturally. It was Paul Gaugin who said, “It is the eye of ignorance that assigns a fixed and unchangeable color to every object; beware of this stumbling block.”

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A minor departure from garden updates, restaurant reviews, and the usual foodie events today.

What does a food writer do to celebrate the turning of a new decade in her life? She eats her favorite foods. In addition to wining and dining my way through this week, the only request to help me over the decade hump was a happy return to great, live music.

062014 ringo

Yeah, that’s Ringo Starr, who also happens to be celebrating his birthday today. This was a fantastic concert at the Count Basie Theater in Red Bank, NJ, and a perfect way to start the celebration.

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