What isn’t pumpkin flavoring added to these days? I could easily write a Forrest Gump style list of all the squash related dishes that show up on menus and in cookbooks at this time of year but that would be annoying. Not to mention the beverages — alcoholic and caffeinated — supplemented with pumpkin intent. So I won’t.
I’m writing this with the tune of David Bowie’s “ch-ch-ch-ch changes. Turn and face the strange,” running through my brain. This past year has been nothing but changes. Changes in what we’re cooking in the kitchen, changes in what kitchen we’re cooking in, changes in where we are working, and changes made to our lifestyle in general. If you’d told me a year ago — yesterday — that this is where we’d be now, I would have laughed my head off. If you’d told me that we would be happier, and better off for turning our lives upside down, I would not have believed you.
Food, wine, martinis and music are sometimes more than you need to host a successful party. Once a year for the last 12 years, Salt Creek Grille in Rumson, NJ has played host to several different charity events. This years beneficiary was the Kortney Rose Foundation, founded by Kristen Gillette who’s daughter died of a rare brain tumor at age 9 in 2006.
Having lost a sister to pediatric leukemia, many years ago, covering this particular fund raiser was both bittersweet and a wake-up call. Still, after all these years, more money needs to be put toward research. Specifically for pediatric causes.
Soap box put aside, Flavor Chronicles/ Chef’s in Motion loves a good party, especially where good food is served, so I bring you highlights of this years event.
No matter how you slice it, we all crave comfort food every now and again. The basic Diner in America, Brasserie in France, Trattoria in Italy or Pub in Great Britain is where we turn when the spirit moves us. We want tasty, well prepared good food. Plain and simple.